EBook – 7 Steps from Startup Idea to Profit
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So, you have a brilliant Technology Startup idea! Great! 

“What good is an idea if it remains an idea? Try. Experiment. Iterate. Fail. Try again. Change the world.” – Simon Sinek

Do you have a concrete plan to convert that brilliant Idea to Real Money? 

I want you to ask yourself some questions first :

Are you equipped to embark on the journey with enough confidence?

Are you the entrepreneurial type? 

Is there a market for your product idea?

If there was a hesitation in finding the answer to any of these questions, let me tell you, you need some hand-holding. And there is nothing wrong with that. 

Now imagine this. 

You are driving from New York to New Jersey. This is the first time you are on the road. For some reason there are no green signposts telling you where you are heading. Wouldn’t it be daunting?

I am not saying you will fail to reach New Jersey. If perseverance is your second nature then you will figure it out somehow or the other, but it will take time. In this fast paced world do you have that kind of time on you?

And then, God forbid, if perseverance is not embedded deep within you, wouldn’t the fear of failing overpower your desire to reach your goals?

I have been through all of this. What is there in this EBook is a first hand encounter of my journey as an Entrepreneur. I have encapsulated it all in a concise 7-Step guide which I would like to share with you if you share the same aspirations. 

The Grey Cells