The Grey Cells

Ready-To-Use Template - Competitor Analysis
₹499.00 ₹1999

Our user-friendly template simplifies competitor analysis. List comparison features in rows and competitors in columns. Easily identify your strengths, where you outshine competitors, and areas for improvement. Assess their lacking features, giving you an edge, and note their advantages, guiding your strategy.

  1. List Features and Competitors: Document comparison features (e.g., Services Listing, Marketing Techniques) in rows and competitor names in columns, including your own.

  2. Observe and Analyze: Evaluate each feature for competitors and yourself. Note what sets you apart (your edge) and what they offer that you don’t, enabling you to bridge the gap by adding missing features.

  3. Strategic Decision-Making: Armed with this comprehensive analysis, make informed decisions about your strengths and areas for enhancement. Use these insights to refine your strategies and stay ahead in the competitive race.


Please note that we do not currently have a return policy in place for our products.

This is a one-time purchase product and you’ll get a lifetime access to it.

Here is how you have to use it – A copy will be created on your Google Drive which you can then edit. Some cells with formulae are uneditable. You can change the core values in the editable cells and based on the formulae the final calculations will come up automatically Here is a detailed guide :

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