The Grey Cells

Ready-To-Use Template - User Persona
₹499.00 ₹1999

Our user-friendly template simplifies the process of defining your ideal customer. Specify parameters, detail characteristics for each, and watch your Ideal User Persona emerge. This step is crucial, especially for Paid Marketing endeavors.

Here’s how you can pinpoint your Ideal Target Customer/User Persona swiftly:

  1. Define Parameters: List specific parameters to identify your Target Customer, such as demographics, interests, and behaviors.

  2. Characterize Each Parameter: Detail the characteristics for each parameter, outlining traits and preferences.

  3. Personalize Personas: Assign a name to each identified persona, making them relatable and distinct.

  4. Map Customer Journeys: Craft the user journey for each persona, highlighting their interactions with your product or service.

In just hours, gain valuable insights into your audience, enhancing your marketing strategies and ensuring your startup idea resonates effectively with your target market.


Please note that we do not currently have a return policy in place for our products.

This is a one-time purchase product and you’ll get a lifetime access to it.

Here is a detailed guide :  Explainer Video : 

Here is how you have to use it – A copy will be created on your Google Drive which you can then edit. Some cells with formulae are uneditable. You can change the core values in the editable cells and based on the formulae the final calculations will come up automatically

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