Author name: Dr. Anu Khanchandani

With over two decades of experience in the software technology arena, having worked in multinational and SME companies in India, USA and Singapore in the capacity of programmer to CTO - I felt now was a good time to give back to the world what I have learnt in this journey. Even if it ends up benefitting a few of my readers by giving them insight or solving a technical issue, I think I will have achieved my mission!

Startup Mantras Podcast – No Passion = No Startup

Dive into this episode of the Startup Mantras Podcast with Anu Khanchandani as she explores the myth of passion-driven success through Steve Jobs’ early career. Discover why passion isn’t the only key to entrepreneurship and how unexpected opportunities can define your journey.

Capital Climb - TermSheet

Startup Mantras Podcast – Capital Climb – Term Sheet

This episode is one of many in the series Capital Climb : Mastering the Mount of Startup Funding. Today, we’re tackling a crucial part of the investment process in our episode “Term Sheet Tactics: Navigating the Nuances of Funding Agreements.” Let’s dive into the complexities of term sheets to ensure you can navigate them with confidence and clarity.

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