Startup Mantra Podcast Episode 5 – Part 1
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When life gives lemons make lemonade

“Out of adversity comes opportunity”

Benjamin Franklin

I’m sure you must have heard of this quote – “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. 

Since the pandemic started, we all went into a sulken state where we found ourselves thinking our businesses are doomed. The positive ones didn’t say it out loud but still had fear deep inside. 

And then came these rays of light in the form of these brave entrepreneurs who in spite of all the fears inside them, decided to take the plunge. And not just take the plunge, pivot it in a way that they could in fact turn the tables and convert the deadly challenge into an opportunity. 

Over the next 2 episodes of Startup Mantras podcast, I would like to share some examples of such Startups who were like you.

It has been my privilege to share valuable lessons for Startups in terms of success and failure stories, processes, tools and techniques, which can be applied by Startup Founders in various aspects of their Startup Journey.
Why re-invent the wheel, why not learn from somewhere who’s been there, done that!
So I would encourage you to subscribe and get your dose of Startup Mantras while on the move, be it while working out or cooking!

Hope you gathered your little bit of learning from the podcast just like I did mine. Feel free to share your thoughts. Looking forward to share thoughts too when you comment.